Sunday, June 20, 2010

How To Make Popcorn - Foolproof Method

Making popcorn is an easy task. It is one of those snacks that people tend to burn, and if they don't burn it, they waste half the kernels. This is my "sure fire" method that works for me every time. I hope you like it.


One Large Pan with a Tight-Fitting Lid
Large Bowl for serving
Small Knife for cutting up butter

  1. Cut butter into 1/4 inch slices, then cut these into 4ths.
  2. Cover the bottom of the pan with 1/8 inch of oil.
  3. Place the pan on your stove and put the burner on High heat.
  4. Put a SINGLE LAYER of popcorn in the pan - do not add extra kernels - they will only go to waste.
  5. Place the lid on the pan.
  6. When you hear the first kernel of corn pop, quickly lift the lid and toss in the butter.
  7. Recover the pan quickly to avoid getting burned from flying kernels and hot oil.
  8. After the lid is on the pan, shake the pan back and forth vigorously to insure that the kernels pop and do not burn.
  9. When you hear very few kernels popping, pull the pan from the heat and shut off the burner.
  10. After the last kernels have popped, remove the lid, salt the popcorn to taste, and place it in the bowl.
  11. Enjoy!

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